Začít hrát
Rise of Cultures – Vybuduj město, zpřístupni si nové civilizace a bojuj ve strategických bitvách!
Prozkoumávej záhadný svět, ponoř se do dobrodružství a starej se o vesnici!
Proveď své město staletími až z doby kamenné a vybuduj rozsáhlou říši!
Zvol si lidi či elfy a postav tajuplné město ve fantasy světě!
Stavěj velkolepá města, vytvoř silnou alianci,zvol si svého božského ochránce a dobyj svět!
Tribal Wars 2 – build and fortify your medieval castle
Prozkoumej nové oblasti a prožij napínavá dobrodružství a duely! Hra The West na tebe čeká!
Backend Development | |
Backend Development | |
Ben Bellmann | Development |
Christian Jürgensen | Community Specialist |
German Syomin | System Administration |
Hans-Arno Wegner | Designer |
Harri Kemppainen | Quality Assurance |
Kai Neuwerth | Lead Development |
Maximilian Lotz | Development |
Meik Milevczik | System Administration |
Thomas Cartwright | Office Intern |
Thorsten Schankin | Product Management |
Alexander Arndt | Designer |
Alexander Padberg | Marketing |
Alison Simpson | External Developers |
Anahí Mendoza Santillán | Community Specialist |
Andreas Prinz | Lead Community Manager |
Andrei Pervukhin | Graphics |
Anita Böhm | Marketing |
Anna Sieprawska | Product Management |
Anwar Dalati | Designer |
Aristeidis Moiras | Community Specialist |
Arne Lund | Graphics |
Camilo Arrieta | Graphics |
Chase Williams | Product Management |
Chris A. | Community Specialist |
Daniel Stelter-Gliese | External Developers |
Dominika Borgosz | Head of Community Management |
Eike Klindworth | Managing Director / Visionary Creator |
Eric Hoffmann | Mobile Development |
Gracie Drake | Designer |
Heiko Münz | Lead Development |
Helmut Weininger | Graphics |
Hendrik Klindworth | Managing Director / Visionary Creator |
Jan Lorenz Siepe | Graphics |
Jan-Christopher Schubert | Frontend Development |
Jana Gierloff | Quality Assurance |
Jayden Lamb-Pullen | Community Specialist |
Johannes Klug | Marketing |
Judith Gastell | Graphics |
Karl Stahlmann | Product Management |
Kevin Suckert | Graphics |
Lars Tesmer | Lead Development |
Marcus Harrison | Backend Development |
Matthias Dötsch | Backend Development |
Matthias Klein | System Administration |
Michael Indyk | Backend Development |
Michael Zillmer | Managing Director / Visionary Creator |
Mike Dermendjin | Designer |
Milan Beran | Backend Development |
Nicholas Toby | Backend Development |
Nils Brüning-Zedler | Frontend Development |
Nino Protic | Product Management |
Ole Michaelis | Backend Development |
Oliver Blaha | Backend Development |
Oliver Milas | Graphics |
Philipp Bornstedt | Mobile Development |
Raimund Schlichtiger | System Administration |
Robert Aiking | Product Management |
Sebastian Goldt | Marketing |
Sirko Bretschneider | Backend Development |
Stephan Schwake | Designer |
Thomas Raimbault | Product Management |
Timo Wienekamp | Community Specialist |
Timothy Loftus | Lead Community Manager |
Tobias Fink | Marketing |
Tobias Rojahn | Backend Development |
Wolf Dieter Rieck | System Administration |
Alaa | Arabic |
JawJaw | Beta |
allura | Brazil |
Carla Santos | Brazil |
kubina | Czechia |
funnette | France |
katzenmarylou | Germany |
rauhaa | Germany |
purge | Greece |
oldfox | Hungary |
JawJaw | International |
Jirki88 | International |
cikketto | Italy |
kr33log | Netherlands |
jarq | Poland |
kmic | Poland |
Oski | Poland |
Ricardo Vitoriano | Portugal |
rakanishu | Romania |
bear | Russia |
bastelroyce | Slovakia |
ghostt | Spain |
SuperNova | Sweden |
bobydeluxe | Switzerland |
toon | Thailand |
Mr Storm | Turkey |
mellofax | UK |
Kawoni | USA |
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